Review: A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1) by George R.R. Martin
4 stars

Let me start off by saying how much I appreciated the appendix! There were so many characters in this book that would have confused me so much if it weren't for the list of characters. Due to the numerous characters, it took me at least 100 pages to really get into the novel as that is when most of the main characters have all been introduced.
A Game of Thrones was written as a series of alternating points of view from the various characters such as Arya, Sansa, Tyrion, Eddard and Daenerys, among others.
Although the novel was entertaining in its entirety, I found Daenerys' chapters less ineteresting for some reason. I didn't care for the savage and barbaric nature of Khal Drogo and his Khalasar.
Towards the end of the book, the story was a little slow for me because the description of the war and the battles going on between Lannisters and Starks got quite tedious and repetitive in my opinion
[ the description of the war and the battles going on between Lannisters and Starks got quite tedious and repetitive in my opinion (hide spoiler)].
My favourite characters were definitely Arya and Jon, and I always looked forward to reading their chapters. I liked the whole subplot of
The Others and the mystery surrounding the Haunted Forest beyond the Wall. Jon's confrontation with the zombie-like ranger was one of my favourite parts of the novel; I hope that the second installment of this series delves more into the secrets of the Haunted Forest and the creatures who live there because I was fascinated by that aspect of the story!
Overall, a great fantasy novel which richly developed characters, a good plotline and a well-imagined world that kept me reading.